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Metadata Standards Relevant for EFG


This is a selection of existing metadata standards from the cultural heritage domain which might be relevant to define the final EFG metadata schema.

    Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
    The Dublin Core metadata element set is a standard for cross-domain information resource description. It provides a simple and standardised set of conventions for describing things online in ways that make them easier to find. Dublin Core is widely used to describe digital materials such as video, sound, image, text, and composite media like web pages. Implementations of Dublin Core typically make use of XML and are Resource Description Framework based. Dublin Core is defined by ISO in 2003 ISO Standard 15836, and NISO Standard Z39.85-2007. Read more at Wikipedia...
    Development of Standards for Cataloguing and Indexing of Cinematographic Works under CEN.BT TC372. The Cinematographic Works Standard is being prepared in two parts: Part 1 specifies a minimum set of information elements for the unambiguous identification of film works. This part of the standard can also be used for structuring human-readable output from information systems implementing the second part. Part 2 is a specification for structuring machine-processable metadata about cinematographic works. This part of the standard can be used as a basis for data exchange between existing catalogue systems. It is also intended to serve as a guideline for information professionals seeking to build interoperable systems that carry information about moving images. Part 2 draws upon several existing standards, recommendations and reference models.

    MPEG – Moving Pictures Export Group
    MPEG is a working group of ISO, the International Organisation for Standardisation. Its formal name is ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11. The title is: Coding of moving pictures and audio. The are of work assigned to it is: Development of international standards for compression, decompression, processing, and coded representation of moving pictures, audio, and their combination, in order to satisfy a wide variety of applications. Established in 1988, the group has produced MPEG-1, the standard on which such products as Video CD and MP3 are based, MPEG-2, the standard on which such products as Digital Television set top boxes and DVD are based, MPEG-4, the standard for multimedia for the fixed and mobile web, MPEG-7, the standard for description and search of audio and visual content and MPEG-21, the Multimedia Framework. Read more at Wikipedia...

    Encoded Archival Context (EAC)
    EAC is an XML standard for encoding information about the creators of archival materials as well as on creation and use of the materials. It has been developed and is being tested by an international Ad Hoc Working Group, comprised of archivists and scientists. EAC is intended for being used in close collaboration with the Encoded Archival Description (EAD) standard in encoding finding aids as well as international archival norms such as the International Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons, and Families ISAAR (CPF).
      XML schema documentation A detailed XML schema documentation of the EAC model (Beta) with a lot of examples and supplementary information.
      EAC working group The site provides a XML schema documentation of the EAC model (Alpha) as well as a collection of documents (minutes of meetings) regarding the work on the development of a standard. Furthermore, a statement of principles and criteria to guide subsequent work on the development of a standard for contextual information has been developed by an international group of archivists.
      Introduction to EAC A conference paper by Daniel V. Pitti, providing a detailed introduction on EAC with in depth background information and examples on individual elements.

    MPEG 7
    MPEG-7 is an ISO/IEC standard developed by MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group). It is used to describe the multimedia content data that supports some degree of interpretation of the information meaning, which can be passed onto, or accessed by, a device or a computer code. This document gives an overview of the MPEG-7 standard, explaining which pieces of technology it includes and what sort of applications are supported by this technology. Also the current work towards MPEG-7 version 2 is presented.
      In depth presentation An in depth presentation of MPEG-7 by the International Organisation for Standardisation, explaining which pieces of technology it includes and what sort of applications are supported by this technology.
      Introductory article An introductory article on MPEG-7, commissioned by the IEEE Computer Society. The text provides an excellent overview for beginners, explaining objectives, structure, description tools of MPEG-7 with examples.

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