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Website last updated: September 2011  

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Film Archives' Associations

Association des Cinémathèques Européennes

Fédération Internationale des Archives du Film

Association of Moving Image Archivists

Audio-Visual Portals

Filmarchives online
Catalogue information on around 25.000 cinematographic works, available for research via filmarchives online. The focus is on re-usable non-fictional material such as documentaries and educational films, newsreels, commercial, industry, travel and sport films, as well as animated films.
Platform for free-of charge information on German Cinema, offering detailed credits of currently 74,000 German feature films ranging from 1895 till today.

Lost films
Internet portal aimed at collecting and documenting film titles, which have been declared "lost". The aim is to provide a platform where members can exchange, add and update information.

Europa Film Treasures
Treasures from 28 European film archives to re-discover and view online.

Europe's Finest
'Cinema on Demand' service for digital theatrical distribution in European cinemas with focus on film classics and art house titles.

Open Images
Open Images is an open media platform that offers online access to audiovisual archive material to stimulate creative reuse.

Video Active
The internet portal of EUscreen's predecessor project presents a vast collection of television programmes and stills from audiovisual archives across Europe as well as articles and comparative analysis on European TV history.

LabforCulture is an online platform for European arts and culture, with edited information in five languages and a growing social networking space covering content that crosses physical, cultural and imaginative borders.

European Audio-Visual Industry & Policies

European Commission: Audiovisual and Media Policies
The audiovisual sector directly employs over one million people in the EU. It also plays a key social and cultural role - TV remains the foremost source of information and entertainment in Europe, with most homes having a television and the average European watching up to 4 hours a day. Audiovisual content is also increasingly accessed through on demand services.

European Audiovisual Observatory
EAO aims to create transparency in the European AV sector and to provide information services for audiovisual experts.

Co-founded by the Community programme eContentplus
Co-funded by the Community programme eContentplus
EFG is solely responsible for the content of this site, which does not represent the opinion of the Community.
The Community is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained on this site.