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- A Gateway to Film Heritage in Europe
Georg Eckes - DIF
Delivered on 13-14 October 2010, Ghent
- A Gateway to Film Heritage in Europe
Georg Eckes - DIF
Delivered on Monday, 4th October 2010, Berlin
- A Gateway to Film Heritage in Europe
Julia Welter – DIF, Franca Debole – ISTI-CNR
Delivered on 23-24 June 2010, Mykonos, Greece
- A Gateway to Film Heritage in Europe
Georg Eckes - DIF
Delivered on Saturday, 8th May 2010, Oslo
- A Gateway to Film Heritage in Europe
Georg Eckes - DIF
Delivered on Wednesday, 7th April 2010, Amsterdam
- Searching and browsing film archives – The European Film Gateway approach
Pasquale Savino – ISTI-CNR, Franca Debole – ISTI-CNR, Georg Eckes - DIF
Delivered on 6-8 December 2009, Cairo, Egypt
- A Gateway to Film Heritage in Europe
Julia Welter - DIF
Delivered on Wednesday, 18th November 2009, Paris
- Projekt Evropská filmová brána: filmové archivy blíže k uživatelum
Tomáš Lachman - NFA
Delivered on Tuesday, 27th October 2009, Praha
- A Gateway to Film Heritage in Europe
Georg Eckes - DIF
Delivered on Tuesday, 5th October 2009, Vilnius
- A portal for film archives in Europe - The European Film Gateway
Julia Welter – DIF
Delivered on Thursday, 24th September 2009 at the IASA 2009 Annual conference, Athens
- A Gateway to Film Heritage in Europe
Georg Eckes – Deutsches Filminstitut – DIF
Delivered on Saturday, 4th July 2009 at the FIAF Summer School, Bologna
- The CEN Standards for Metadata About Cinematographic Works: Overview and Current Status
Ronny Loewy – Deutsches Filminstitut – DIF
Delivered on Saturday, 4th July 2009 at the FIAF Summer School, Bologna
- A Gateway to Film Heritage in Europe
Georg Eckes – Deutsches Filminstitut – DIF
Delivered on Thursday, 18th June 2009 at the Cinema Experts Group/Sub-Group Film Heritage, Brussels
- A Gateway to Film Heritage in Europe
Georg Eckes – Deutsches Filminstitut – DIF
Delivered on Friday, 5th June 2009 at the CBMI 2009, Chania
- Evropská filmová brána
Tomáš Lachman – Národní Filmový Archiv
Delivered on Tuesday, 5th May 2009 at the 13. konference archiváru CR (conference of the Czech archivists), Brno
- Evropská filmová brána
Pavla Janásková; Tomáš Lachman – Národní Filmový Archiv
Delivered on 4 December 2008 at the 'Archivy, knihovny, muzea v digitálním svete 2008'
(Archives, Libraries, Museums in the Digital World), Prague
- A Portal for Film Archives in Europe: European Film Gateway
Georg Eckes, Deutsches Filminstitut – DIF
Delivered on 28 November 2008 at the Conférence 'Numerisation
du patrimoine culturel' (Digitisation of Cultural Heritage), Paris
- A gateway to Europe's film heritage
Georg Eckes, Deutsches Filminstitut – DIF
Delivered on 19-21 November 2008 at Archimages08, Cinéma et audiovisuel:
quelles mémoires numériques pour l'Europe?, Paris
- Film archives and Digital Libraries: Legal and technical challenges
Georg Eckes, Deutsches Filminstitut – DIF
Delivered on 12 November 2008 at the EVA/Minerva 2008 Conference, Jerusalem
- General presentation of the project work
Georg Eckes, Deutsches Filminstitut – DIF
(October 2008)